removed hyprland flake

This commit is contained in:
joygnu 2024-09-08 15:05:18 +02:00
parent d872450aec
commit 3b489416fc
2 changed files with 168 additions and 176 deletions

View file

@ -3,13 +3,11 @@
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
ags.url = "github:Aylur/ags";
stylix.url = "github:danth/stylix";
hyprland.url = "git+";
firefox-addons = {
url = "gitlab:rycee/nur-expressions?dir=pkgs/firefox-addons";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
firefox-addons = {
url = "gitlab:rycee/nur-expressions?dir=pkgs/firefox-addons";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
home-manager = {
url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

View file

@ -1,202 +1,196 @@
}: { = with pkgs; [
]; = {
home.packages = with pkgs; [
programs.hyprland = {
enable = true;
package = inputs.hyprland.packages.${pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system}.hyprland;
portalPackage = inputs.hyprland.packages.${pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system}.xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland;
programs.hyprland = {
enable = true;
nix.settings = {
substituters = [""];
trusted-public-keys = [""];
services.cliphist.enable = true; = true;
wayland.windowManager.hyprland = {
enable = true;
settings = {
"$mod" = "SUPER";
"$sciPath" = "~/nix/modules/hypr/hyprland/scripts"; = {
enable = true;
settings = {
"$mod" = "SUPER";
"$sciPath" = "~/nix/modules/hypr/hyprland/scripts";
cursor = {
inactive_timeout = "3";
cursor = {
inactive_timeout = "3";
env = [
"HYPRCURSOR_THEME = Bibata-Modern-Ice"
env = [
"HYPRCURSOR_THEME = Bibata-Modern-Ice"
xwayland = {
force_zero_scaling = true;
xwayland = {
force_zero_scaling = true;
monitor = [
monitor = [
exec-once = [
exec-once = [
windowrule = [
"float,title:^(Network Connections)(.*)$"
"opacity 0.9,^(Alacritty)(.*)$"
windowrule = [
"float,title:^(Network Connections)(.*)$"
"opacity 0.9,^(Alacritty)(.*)$"
gestures = {
workspace_swipe = true;
workspace_swipe_forever = true;
workspace_swipe_distance = 200;
gestures = {
workspace_swipe = true;
workspace_swipe_forever = true;
workspace_swipe_distance = 200;
general = {
gaps_in = 5;
gaps_out = 10;
border_size = 4;
allow_tearing = false;
layout = "master";
bind = [
# launch Apps
"$mod,TAB, exec, alacritty"
"$mod, E, exec, nemo"
"$mod, S, exec, firefox"
"$mod, X, exec, keepassxc"
"$mod, M, exec, mw -Y && alacritty -e neomutt"
"$mod, N, exec, alacritty -e newsboat"
"$mod, A, exec, rofi -show drun"
"$mod, F, exec, freetube"
"$mod, C, exec, hyprpicker -a"
"$mod+Shift, W, exec, sh $sciPath/"
"$mod+Shift, Z, exec, grim - | swappy -f -"
"$mod, Z, exec, sh $sciPath/"
"$mod, V, exec, cliphist list | rofi -dmenu | cliphist decode | wl-copy"
"$mod, O, exec, sh $sciPath/"
misc = {
disable_hyprland_logo = true;
disable_splash_rendering = true;
# controles
"$mod, Q, killactive"
"$mod, W, togglefloating"
"$mod, R, togglesplit"
"$mod+shift, S, exec, systemctl suspend"
"$mod+shift, M, exit, hyprland"
"$mod, G, exec, sh $sciPath/"
"$mod+shift, B, exec, sh $sciPath/"
"$mod, up, exec, sh $sciPath/ -i"
"$mod, down, exec, sh $sciPath/ -d"
"$mod, P, exec, hyprctl dispatch togglefloating && hyprctl dispatch pin"
decoration = {
rounding = 5;
# cmus
"$mod, D, exec, sh $sciPath/"
"$mod, space, exec, playerctl play-pause"
"$mod, comma, exec, playerctl previous"
"$mod, period, exec, playerctl next"
"$mod, equal, exec, cmus-remote -v +10%"
"$mod, minus, exec, cmus-remote -v -10%"
input = {
kb_layout = "us,de";
kb_variant = ",qwerty";
kb_options = "grp:alt_shift_toggle,caps:swapescape";
# Move focus
"$mod, Return, fullscreen"
"$mod, H, movefocus, l"
"$mod, L, movefocus, r"
"$mod, K, movefocus, u"
"$mod, J, movefocus, d"
device = {
name = "at-translated-set-2-keyboard";
repeat_rate = "50";
# Window resizing X Y
"CTRL+SHIFT, H, resizeactive, -60 0"
"CTRL+SHIFT, L, resizeactive, 60 0"
"CTRL+SHIFT, K, resizeactive, 0 -60"
"CTRL+SHIFT, J, resizeactive, 0 60"
bind = [
# launch Apps
"$mod,TAB, exec, alacritty"
"$mod, E, exec, nemo"
"$mod, S, exec, firefox"
"$mod, X, exec, keepassxc"
"$mod, M, exec, mw -Y && alacritty -e neomutt"
"$mod, N, exec, alacritty -e newsboat"
"$mod, A, exec, rofi -show drun"
"$mod, F, exec, freetube"
"$mod, C, exec, hyprpicker -a"
"$mod+Shift, W, exec, sh $sciPath/"
"$mod+Shift, Z, exec, grim - | swappy -f -"
"$mod, Z, exec, sh $sciPath/"
"$mod, V, exec, cliphist list | rofi -dmenu | cliphist decode | wl-copy"
"$mod, O, exec, sh $sciPath/"
# Moving windows
"$mod SHIFT, H, swapwindow, l"
"$mod SHIFT, L, swapwindow, r"
"$mod SHIFT, K, swapwindow, u"
"$mod SHIFT, J, swapwindow, d"
# controles
"$mod, Q, killactive"
"$mod, W, togglefloating"
"$mod, R, togglesplit"
"$mod+shift, S, exec, systemctl suspend"
"$mod+shift, M, exit, hyprland"
"$mod, G, exec, sh $sciPath/"
"$mod+shift, B, exec, sh $sciPath/"
"$mod, up, exec, sh $sciPath/ -i"
"$mod, down, exec, sh $sciPath/ -d"
"$mod, P, exec, hyprctl dispatch togglefloating && hyprctl dispatch pin"
# Switch workspaces
"$mod, 1, workspace, 1"
"$mod, 2, workspace, 2"
"$mod, 3, workspace, 3"
"$mod, 4, workspace, 4"
"$mod, 5, workspace, 5"
"$mod, 6, workspace, 6"
"$mod, 7, workspace, 7"
"$mod, 8, workspace, 8"
"$mod, 9, workspace, 9"
"$mod, 0, workspace, 10"
# cmus
"$mod, D, exec, sh $sciPath/"
"$mod, space, exec, playerctl play-pause"
"$mod, comma, exec, playerctl previous"
"$mod, period, exec, playerctl next"
"$mod, equal, exec, cmus-remote -v +10%"
"$mod, minus, exec, cmus-remote -v -10%"
# Move active window to a workspace
"$mod+Shift, 1, movetoworkspace, 1"
"$mod+Shift, 2, movetoworkspace, 2"
"$mod+Shift, 3, movetoworkspace, 3"
"$mod+Shift, 4, movetoworkspace, 4"
"$mod+Shift, 5, movetoworkspace, 5"
"$mod+Shift, 6, movetoworkspace, 6"
"$mod+Shift, 7, movetoworkspace, 7"
"$mod+Shift, 8, movetoworkspace, 8"
"$mod+Shift, 9, movetoworkspace, 9"
"$mod+Shift, 0, movetoworkspace, 10"
# Move focus
"$mod, Return, fullscreen"
"$mod, H, movefocus, l"
"$mod, L, movefocus, r"
"$mod, K, movefocus, u"
"$mod, J, movefocus, d"
bindm = [
"$mod, mouse:272, movewindow"
"$mod, mouse:273, resizewindow"
# Window resizing X Y
"CTRL+SHIFT, H, resizeactive, -60 0"
"CTRL+SHIFT, L, resizeactive, 60 0"
"CTRL+SHIFT, K, resizeactive, 0 -60"
"CTRL+SHIFT, J, resizeactive, 0 60"
bindl = [
", XF86MonBrightnessUp, exec, brightnessctl set +10%"
", XF86MonBrightnessDown, exec, brightnessctl set 10%-"
", XF86AudioRaiseVolume, exec, sh $sciPath/ -i"
", XF86AudioLowerVolume, exec, sh $sciPath/ -d"
", XF86AudioMute, exec, sh $sciPath/ -m"
", XF86AudioMicMute, exec, sh $sciPath/ -t"
", XF86PowerOff, exec, sh $sciPath/"
# Moving windows
"$mod SHIFT, H, swapwindow, l"
"$mod SHIFT, L, swapwindow, r"
"$mod SHIFT, K, swapwindow, u"
"$mod SHIFT, J, swapwindow, d"
general = {
gaps_in = 5;
gaps_out = 10;
border_size = 4;
allow_tearing = false;
layout = "master";
# Switch workspaces
"$mod, 1, workspace, 1"
"$mod, 2, workspace, 2"
"$mod, 3, workspace, 3"
"$mod, 4, workspace, 4"
"$mod, 5, workspace, 5"
"$mod, 6, workspace, 6"
"$mod, 7, workspace, 7"
"$mod, 8, workspace, 8"
"$mod, 9, workspace, 9"
"$mod, 0, workspace, 10"
misc = {
disable_hyprland_logo = true;
disable_splash_rendering = true;
# Move active window to a workspace
"$mod+Shift, 1, movetoworkspace, 1"
"$mod+Shift, 2, movetoworkspace, 2"
"$mod+Shift, 3, movetoworkspace, 3"
"$mod+Shift, 4, movetoworkspace, 4"
"$mod+Shift, 5, movetoworkspace, 5"
"$mod+Shift, 6, movetoworkspace, 6"
"$mod+Shift, 7, movetoworkspace, 7"
"$mod+Shift, 8, movetoworkspace, 8"
"$mod+Shift, 9, movetoworkspace, 9"
"$mod+Shift, 0, movetoworkspace, 10"
decoration = {
rounding = 5;
bindm = [
"$mod, mouse:272, movewindow"
"$mod, mouse:273, resizewindow"
input = {
kb_layout = "us,de";
kb_variant = ",qwerty";
kb_options = "grp:alt_shift_toggle,caps:swapescape";
device = {
name = "at-translated-set-2-keyboard";
repeat_rate = "50";
bindl = [
", XF86MonBrightnessUp, exec, brightnessctl set +10%"
", XF86MonBrightnessDown, exec, brightnessctl set 10%-"
", XF86AudioRaiseVolume, exec, sh $sciPath/ -i"
", XF86AudioLowerVolume, exec, sh $sciPath/ -d"
", XF86AudioMute, exec, sh $sciPath/ -m"
", XF86AudioMicMute, exec, sh $sciPath/ -t"
", XF86PowerOff, exec, sh $sciPath/"